Stephanie Marie

Activate. Integrate. Embody.

Stephanie holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration from Arizona State University and a Diploma as a Mind Body Wellness Practionner from the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. There she studied transformational life coaching, clinical hypnotherapy, transformational Reiki and holistic nutrition.

For the first part of her life, she enjoyed a successful professional corporate career. Her hierarchy called her a star, noticed how cohesive her team was and how she had a gift to see through people during their interviews.

However, she realized her ability to positively influence people in that role was limited. She progressively let go of her former identity to embrace the uncertainty and beauty of this new path that was divinely unfolding in front of her.

Stephanie went through a lot of difficult trials and tribulations along the way. These ordeals forced her to apply, integrate and embody the personal development concepts she had learned. Because of them, she was forged into the person she is today.

The combination of her academic studies, business leadership and real-life experience gives her a unique wisdom she uses to the benefits of her clients in their sessions.

Stephanie values community and has served on the board of various professional and local organizations, including as President.

In her free time, she loves cooking healthy and nutritious meals, tasting delicious food, practicing yoga, hiking, traveling, photography and most of all spending time in nature.

Stephanie Marie Madeleine Super Wellness Woman standing in front of trees

"Stephanie has an ability to listen deeply, to take in and hear what I'm saying on a very deep level. I found that the most healing." 

Shlomit Sheena, Pediatric Occupational Therapist and Mindfulness Based Neurocoach

hypnotist relationship wellness angel reiki coach Stephanie smiling at camera

"Everything begins with self-love." Stephanie Marie

Professional Qualifications:

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You want to know about what I do and how I can support you. Let's chat! 
