Are you looking to elevate your life and reach new levels of personal and professional success?

Super Wellness Woman is here to assist you in manifesting your deeply-held desires into reality.

Our method combines transformational life coaching, advanced professional hypnosis, and energy healing to help you overcome limiting beliefs, emotions, and behaviors in order to achieve your personal dreams and professional goals. With our exclusive and personalized approach, you'll experience an unparalleled level of guidance, support, and results.

Choose from a single session for rapid change or a coaching package for a truly transformational experience.

Our sessions and packages are designed for elite professionals who are ready to invest in themselves and their personal growth. If you're looking for a private, unique, and supportive coaching experience, then one-to-one coaching is for you.

Due to the exclusive nature of these sessions, limited spaces are available and are reserved for committed individuals.

Take the first step towards a more fulfilling, successful, and balanced life, schedule a call!

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." Albert Einstein  

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Complimentary Coffee Chat

If you are curious about my services and how I can help you transform, you can book a 20-minute call.

Let's have a chat!

Discovery Call

Discover the untapped possibilities within you and embark on the path of your next evolution.

This will be an open and supportive conversation to envision your goals, share your challenges, gain insight into the powerful techniques I offer and how they will benefit you.

Schedule a discovery call today to begin your transformation!

Format: 90 minutes via video conference.

Price: $444 USD

personal development shift mindset new perspective

Professional Hypnosis Session

Explore the treasures your subconscious mind holds and easily break patterns that have been undermining you for years.

I address common questions about hypnosis on this page: click here for additional information.

Don't wait a second more to release what has been holding you back!

Format: 60 minutes via video conference.

Energetic Coaching Session

Experience the powerful fusion of life coaching and energy healing in our energetic breaktrough coaching sessions.

The combination of energetic principles and active visualization allows you to unlock your inner guidance, dissolve barriers, and embrace your truth.

They provide faster and more significant results than coaching alone. Book your session today!

Format: 90 minutes via video conference.

best self improvement bright future legacy
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Coaching Packages

While a single coaching session can lead to remarkable awareness, release, and a fresh start, true lasting transformation seldom occurs overnight.

To ensure the best possible service, I present various options tailored to individual preferences and needs. Packages start at 3 sessions, and the 4-session and 6-month packages are particularly popular.

Monthly packages provide ample support, enough time to address possible challenges, and a solid base to anchor the transformation.

For those looking for a more personalized approach, customized VIP experiences can be arranged whenever you'd like.

With the monthly coaching packages, you'll receive:

- Weekly, biweekly, or monthly coaching sessions.

- Professional hypnosis, energetic breakthrough coaching, and other transformational techniques tailored to your specific needs

- Personalized recordings for listening in between sessions

- Access to exclusive resources and tools to support your journey

Do you have any questions? Reach out to us: click here for email
